Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A letter to Brett Favre...

Dear Brett Favre,

I want to sarcastically thank you for hijacking another team for another summer. I totally get you wanting to still play for the love of the game and all that, but come on. That love doesn't die in February and rekindle in August... only to die again after going 8-8. This action is kinda phony of you, and makes you look like a pariah.

If you are going to play this year, then make it count. Do something good. Make the team better, but more importantly, make yourself look better. I was a fan of yours in Green Bay and loved how you played with reckless abandon. It is like you never grew up... like you saved time in a bottle and opened it up on Sunday afternoon. It was cool to see.

But now, over the past two seasons you are heading down a path that the likes of Johnny Unitas, Dan Fouts, Ken Stabler and Joe Montana have all travelled. Though 3 of them are in the Hall of Fame, and you will be as well, it still raises a lot of questions in the NFL fan's mind. Why did you hang on so long? Why did you change teams? Too many to answer.

Then the question of your health comes up. According to reports, you STILL have a slight tear in your rotator cuff on your PASSING shoulder! What happens when you take that hit? You know... that Joe Theismann kind of hit that ends a career. Then what? Was the $12 million you are getting for this year worth it when you cant move your shoulder?

And what about that money? If you get hurt, or play poorly, do you give some back? I have an idea: Give some to charity! Give a bunch to charity if you want! I am not into forcing charity on to anyone; it is your money. Do with it as you please. I do, however, know that there are a load of local Charities in the Hattiesburg, MS area that need some help... even your old school can use some assistance. For example: Band Uniforms and equipment. I know that most athletes would give any charity to the athletic department of their school, but be honest with me. 85% of all money that comes in to the school comes thru the Athletic Department! So I say help your BIGGEST supporters of USM sports... the Band. Just talk to Corey... he can tell you what they need.

Look, I said it before and I don't want it lost in the context of this letter, I am a fan. But please do the right thing, play for the right reasons and for the sake of the summers that you have already hijacked from us, please retire gracefully. We, the entire NFL fanbase, can't wait to see you in Canton!

your fan,
Christopher Francis

P.S. if I have to hear my friend Rudy talk about how you are going to save the Vikings last year the Jets) and how you are the best QB ever... and how you could throw the ball 100 yards through a brick wall... I'm gonna choke him! (just kidding)

Friday, August 14, 2009

On Michael Vick...

Being a devout American football fan, I feel polarized when it comes to Michael Vick. I currently live in Atlanta, and was here during the time in which Vick was king. He was the highest paid player in the NFL, he sold thousands of tickets and jerseys and made defensive coordinators seek professional help. Even in the Madden '06 video game, he was virtually unstoppable. The kid is just way too fast. I honestly admit. I was a fan.

But all the while, we were being duped. There was a side of Vick that was not public, and in my opinion, heinous. The dogfighting ring that he bankrolled and in which he participated was inconceivably horrid. The entire country, not just NFL fans, were totally stunned and a city was heartbroken. We learned of how he killed dogs that did not perform well in the ring, and even set out family pets to be used as target practice. We were left standing mouths agape as we heard of the drowning and electrocuting of animals, and the money that was circulated therein.
PETA and the ASPCA, among many many many other activist groups were outraged along with the millions of individuals- Myself included. He deserved to go to jail.

And off to jail he went. Not just any jail; Leavenworth, KS. The hardest of the hard are wards there. This is no Madoff-style country club, this is the real deal. There have been many laws acted and signed over the years, even one, signed by George Bush (in this blog to be named hereafter as "Dubya") in 2007, in which it was made a federal felony (State laws still vary). In this law, it provides a penalty of up to three years of imprisonment and up to a $250,000 fine for each offense of interstate or foreign transport of animals for fighting purposes.

Michael Vick was luckier, per se. He submitted a guilty plea to a single Virginia (state felony) charge for dog fighting, receiving a 3 year prison sentence, imposition of which was suspended upon condition of good behavior, and $2500 fine. In return for the plea agreement, the other charge was dropped. A single charge! One! That's it! And her only served 24 months in jail! 22 in Leavenworth, and 2 under house confinement! After all the disgusting tales of death and dismemberment, he got one count and home confinement. Why? What about others that did the same thing?

In 2007, A Cottonwood, Alabama judge sentenced Johnny Ray Lewis 102 years in prison and was ordered to pay another $34,000 in fines. He was charged with 17 counts of felony dogfighting! In the raid upon his property, authorities seized 17 dogs, heavy chains, syringes and videos on dogfights. Also, another 38 put bulls died directly because of his actions. It is this writers opinion that Mr. Lewis got off FAR TOO EASY. 17 and 38 make 55 counts! That makes 330 years in the clink. Does this appeal to you?

Apply that to the Vick case. Sure, he was nailed with breach of contract lawsuits and tax liens after this was already in the court system. But, the fact of the matter is that Vick was given highly preferential treatment. In fact, I believe that he got off lighter than ANY OTHER criminal in history. If he was Johnny Ray Lewis, he would still be behind bars and vilified for the rest of written history.

But, now he is out. "He paid his debt to society," as some people say. So be it. PETA and others are still angry as hell at him and I can understand. But let me ask this: does he deserve a second chance? I say he does, but only just.

I am embarrassed for him as a human being, as a member of the NFL and as the face of a franchise in which I cheered. I think his actions make him a vile person and I am not look at him the same again. He deserved all that he got and more. But this is America, and we were built on second chances. I also believe in actions. They speak loudly for a man's character. Let us see where he goes from here.

Does he have the right to attempt to make a living again? Absolutely! And the Philadelphia Eagles think so too. They signed him to a one year deal, worth $1.6 million and an option for a second year (at $5.2 million). Is your head spinning yet?? Mine is. S.E. Cupp's is (an avid animal lover and one whose work I read constantly). Johnny Ray Lewis' is as well.

Why did they do it? simple answer: MONEY! Look at how much FREE media that organization just got! They got a STAR player caliber body on the cheap. Fans are going to fill the seats JUST to see what he does and if the new "WILD EAGLE (my term) OFFENSE" has in store. This team, if all works positively, got a HUGE bargain. And if they get a Super Bowl ring at the end of it, then all is washed away, right?

The Court of Public Opinion, which seems to be law in this country at times, has already written Vick off as a career criminal. Yes, those in high positions (Falcons' Organization, Virginia Tech, et cetera) have all played their cards, "wished Michael well" and downplayed the situation to appease the masses. But lets be honest, it will be several years before most of the scars heal. Some may never do so.

The way I see it this matter is not a 2 party issue, right or left. Many, if not the majority on BOTH sides feel the same way. I am, however, a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan, and loathe the Eagles (its in our blood). I want to see this experiment fail for that reason alone! Yes I know I am unfair about it. But you need to realize, NFL football is not a 2 party system... it is a 32 party system! One for each team! That's a system millions of us believe in, wholeheartedly!

I guess, all things considered, I asked the best football mind I know, my brother, about it. After all, I value his opinion when it comes to pigskin... and many other things.

His initial response? "Eh!" I couldn't say it better myself!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Okay, people. One thing that I love in a truly genuine way is kids. I have 2 nieces (Emily, 14 and Cortlyn, 14 months) and a nephew (Ben, 17) whom I adore (even though the older two can be real tools at times... but hey, so can I), and have great families around them. I am proud of them all.

Sadly, in this country, there are many... too many in my opinion... that are not healthy and need help. I do believe in charity and I think kids are worth the charity.

...and ice cream. So how can we have ice cream, kids and charity at the same time? simple. go to Dairy Queen TODAY, August 13, 2009. when you buy a Blizzard, DQ donates $1 of the proceeds from EACH treat to the Children's Miracle Network! There are hundreds of stores, so one is close by, I am sure. I am sure we can help them raise over $1 million to help these kids!

One of my dear friend's daughter, Lucie, was helped tremendously at birth because of this organization. They saved her life and she is a very happy fun-loving little girl now! This organization works!!!

go to www.MiracleTreatDay.com for details

thank you and go enjoy some ice cream! don't buy one BIG one, buy 2 little ones... that's more for the kids!

....Just don't eat it too fast... brain freeze is painful.

p.s. thanks Katie Stuart for reminding me.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Julie & Julia... and Chris????

No people, I am not gonna talk about an R-rated escapade that I had. Get your minds out off the gutter... if you can.

I have to admit, 4 months is far, far too long to be away. and I can't say that it was a good time off either. Matter of factly: It was pretty lousy. Things change and happen for a reason. The pages of a calendar flip and time winds forward at a pace we cannot control and sometimes cannot understand. But nevertheless, here we are.

I have been standing at a crossroads for several months. I must have looked like a cow at a new gate, mouth agape for quite some time. But I have decided to move on and re-re-re-re-REstart life all over again (No I didn't stutter, I just feel like I have been down this road before.) Where will this take me? Who the heck knows!

I have been compelled for some time to see this movie Julie & Julia since I first saw the trailer for it. Not because I have a great penchant for "chick flicks," but because maybe I can reclaim a part of me that wandered off some time ago. I remember watching Julia Child a few times growing up, and trying to entertain people by banging pots and pans together and poorly mimicking her voice. It was enough to garner a laugh or two, and that's all I wanted at the time.

But then I learned how to cook. Mamaw did it..I watched. and since Julia was the only other older person (by the time I really got to know who she was, she was well on her way to 80) that I knew that cooked, I watched her too. I went to culinary school, graduating in 2002 and found my niche. So I thought.

I love to cook and I always will. It is like I am paying homage to those that came before me. But I didn't like the restaurant life. Do not get me wrong: I loved High Cotton! Everything else that followed I hated. Attitudes here and there; arrogance all over and mismanagement all over really put a sour taste in my mouth for quite some time. So I ran away from it. At times, I am glad I did.

So my path strayed hither and thither and still no idea. and I am not honestly sure if I have one yet. I am the most varied bloke I know and at times it is a curse. I like so many things and can't tell you which point to start.

Now, I am not saying that this movie is a life changer, but I see where Julie was coming from. She was a struggling writer working at a job that caused her more grief than cheer. But she decided to take on a huge task to regiment herself and give her something to write about: Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." 1 year, 524 recipes... no regrets. Long story short, her blog because supremely popular, she wrote a book, and it became a movie and she is happy being a WRITER. It was not all pear tarts and hollandaise sauce either.

Some days, it is beef aspic. They don't come out right. They fall on the floor and you do too. There is crying and gnashing of teeth, but yet you still get up and try the next one on the next page. And so will I.

My next page isn't written yet, but I have a pretty good idea of what it is going to say. now do not get me wrong, I am not gonna cook my way through a Gordon Ramsay or Mario Batali book and write about it. I may not teach and i probably wont have a book published. But I can write, and I plan on doing so.

About what? no clue!

I have too many interests to just sit around and let it all wither in the sun. I am going to spill it onto the page... figuratively speaking of course. I hope you enjoy the ride.

Okay. A couple things I DO know:

1) I can beat anyone on Hell's Kitchen this season, but I don't like cold; so the head chef at Araxi, in Vancouver is all yours. Enjoy! (p.s. Tenille..SHUT UP!)

2) The Next Food Network Star sucked, but the best two won, so I am happy. Entries are being taken for next season already and you best be derned sure I am going to enter. I got the single guy market down!

3) There is too much crap going on around me that needs to be said, and I keep forgetting that I have an outlet for it. Well, that all changes now.

Nothing's Safe.....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What the World Needs is a New Outlaw!

So, I've been thinking..something is missing. I wasn't sure what it was for a couple weeks, but I think I have an idea. Granted, I am still unhappy and not where I wanna be, but there is something missing: Balance.

Yup. Balance. There is too much instability in this society. Too much gray area that seems to overshadow everything that goes on. People today don't wanna step too far to the left or right in fear...fear that they will offend someone, lose something or be ridiculed. The world needs someone who does not toe the line, but steps over it and drags his heel over it to blur the edges on his way. One that leaves his mark, while erasing others. One who stands out and not afraid to be heard. This world needs an OUTLAW.

A Rebel. A misfit. A person you see and question. One with nothin' to lose and not looking to gain. A person who is how he is, just because he is. A person who stands out of the crowd, turns to face them and thumb his nose at them. I love this idea.

I think that we as Americans kinda romanticize the idea of a rebel, but those that are REAL rebels are shunned and ostracized. They embrace those that toe the line, like James Dean and Steve McQueen. They both stood out and, in Dean's case, burned out far too quickly. I don't wanna be a middle of the pack bloke. I don't want to appeal to EVERYBODY! I want to scare people, make them think, make them question the answers.

A rebel is a polarizing figure. One who makes the "good guys" seem flawed. One who makes the public see the "bad guys" point. One who makes those in the middle accountable for their lack of originality. One who shows the true evil is really those who do nothing at all. One who is not afraid to wear the black hat with a graceful dignity that makes people watch. One who doesn't need to be follow, but DEMANDS to be heard.

It's not an image. Its a lifestyle. Im not talking about an "Indian Outlaw,"God knows Tim McGraw is a sellout. Now Hank Williams III, THAT'S AN OUTLAW. He gives "pop country the middle finger" and does not bow to anyone on MUsic Row. That is INTEGRITY! He may not be the most charismatic or eloquent of people, but he is who he is.

Im not even talkin about Bo Outlaw from the Orlando Magic (even though he is one of the nicest guys I have ever met). An outlaw doesn't fit in any mold, nor does he want to. Hell, Dennis Rodman was an outlaw..and loved it. But he never made a point, He was just because he was. It kinda bothers me that he burned out like he did, doin shows like celebrity apprentice and what not. That tells me its all about money to him. Thats not rebellion..thats prostitution...but not in the carnal sense.

I think its time. We need a real rebel. Not a fake one trying to sell an image self-promote. I don't are what others think. I dont mind being the one who questions the answers or uses reason to show the fallacies of the day. I don't wanna look like anyone or fit in to a "group." I am me. I don't care if I am loved or hated, but I will be respected.

I used to have a rebel flair about me. Ask my ex. I didn't care. I looked how i wanted and would fight you until you proved me wrong. Even then, I'd still fight you. I hair ether long hair or almost no hair..it didnt matter to me. It's all about attitude. I keep those I love close..to hell with the rest.

So maybe, this is what I wanted..an idea..an identity. Something to strive toward. I loved it when I felt free to be...me. I think I am ready to do it again. Not lookin to gain..just lookin to be me. So get ready. Franchise 3.0 is underway...

Okay, now i feel better...energized. Music time. and since I have been one for a couple days, let's do a couple songs.

First son...you gotta listen to Mike Ness of Social Distortion. I love his song "Nickels and Dimes" lately. It is about bein a rebel, chasin dreams and falling short. He is a TRUE OUTLAW. Adn he knows that redemption is a breath away.

I also like Weezer's "Troublemaker." It reminds me of a wannabe outlaw..who is really just a dumb redneck. One who thinks he doesnt need knowlege or smarts to survive. A real rebel is the smartest guy in the room and knows how to use it.

One more. I am totally diging the band Rise Against. G.K, you would be proud. The song "From Heads University" has been playing on my ipod nonstop for a week. You gotta hear it.

"I'm not after fame and fortune..I'm after YOU!" THAT'S REBELLION!

okay I am off to ponder my next move....and remember if you can't be ood, be ood AT IT!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Okay! Now I'm Pissed!!!!

Hi people! How the heck are ya? Me? I'm pissed off....kinda. Here's Why!

I watched the Academy of Country Music Awards tonighton CBS (yes this is important). I am not a huge fan of country music, but it is growing on me. I also have to admit, the ey candy was nice tonight too. Miranda Lambert...HOT in the black dress and heels! Blake Shelton is a lucky guy. Taylor Swift was beautiful. Carrie Underwood was as well...but keep the white dress, the red one made you look like Ursula from "The Little Mermaid." Nicole Kidman....GAG...you are out of place, lady. Country music does not need ARMANI. If your gonna go to a country event..LOOK COUNTRY! This isn't the Oscars and if it was, you still wouldn't make it! you haven't been able to act since "Far and Away!"

Now here is where the REAL problem is: The Newcomer of the year award! It was BOGUS! Total CRAP! The winner: JULIANNE HOUGH! (oh by the way shes kinda cute too) She won the award because of her popularity on the DWTS monstrosity! One album, she doesn't play on it, just sings! I have loads of problems with this.

Who did she beat out? Jake Owen..a very talented artist, and the Zac Brown Band..The most talented GROUP since Alabama!! They write their own stuff, play their own instruments and LOOK COUNTRY!! They are bona fide ARTISTS, not talking heads! I have watched Zac and his boys play for a couple years now and he OWNS his instrument..his music..his audience. He was my choice for many awards...even ones he didnt get nominated for.

So what was his crime? He's not beautiful! He's not a dancer turned country singer! He's NOT a sellout trying to gain more broad appeal by going from DWTS to country! And most importantly, he was not a HUGE STAR on another networks TOP RATED TV show! Hmmm...do I smell conspiracy???? She is not a country artist...she makes no art. She is not like the people that alk the halls at FAC at Western! shes no Trish Johnson or whoever. She doesn't sing like they do..she is TRAINED to sing a certain way. With implied fake emotion. This is not art..this is reproduction! You wanna real emotion...watch an opera! Watch one of the REAL singers sing!

Or if you want the best of both worlds? Watch Pat Benetar!!! Why? what did she do before she ruled the 80's pop scene? She was an operatic mezzo-soprano!

Oh, and the other bone of contention. Artist of the Year. Granted Carrie Underwood won, and I am not as miffed about her as I am Julianne, but some of the same principles apply here. but my real beef with this one...ITS A POPULARITY AWARD! It does not celebrate artistic merit! If it did George Strait would have won....Or Zac Brown...or John Rich!

Oh John Rich! You get my applause, brother. You ruled the night with "Shuttin Down Detroit!" download that song! You made your point loud and clear. I am sure that Jamie Foxx's appearance kinda fired you up! Thank you for it! I tip my hat to you...

Yes Im wearing a cowboy hat! A black straw one with ametal stud band on it! I'll prove it if i need to!

Okay..I feel much better. Thank you for listening! please tell me if you agree with me on any of this. Espeically the conspiracy thing. An pass this on to your friends! I want the guys involed in these decisions to see this EVENTUALLY!!!!

soooooo, we need a new Song of the Day. Well, I am choosing my boy, Zac Brown! Look up the song "It's Not OK." He is not the main singer in it, but it is awesome. Plus there is an amazing back and forth with EVERY INSTRUMENT on the stage..and a couple pretty funny moments! check it out.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

....Now with longer lasting scent pearls!!!!

Hello people of the loving public. I am not trying too hard with this blogedy thing-a-ma-do, but I do admit, it's kinda fun.

I went and saw 2 movies this week: Monsters vs. Aliens and Fast and Furious. Monsters was AWESOME! lots of quick one liners and funny moments. If you are breathing..GO SEE IT!

Fast and Furious was good too. But it is a niche movie. If you don't like cars and all the crapola false bravado that comes with it, don't go see it. I, for one, like the cars and all that crap. but I relaize that the American muscle cars have a whole lot more pinache than those little japanese rice burner thingys. There were a ton of the Japanese kit ars and imports, but ginne the Camaro SS, the GTO and the Grand Torino any day. I wanna FEEL AND HEAR MY CAR!!!!

Yesi want a Nissan Maxima...or a new 370..but I would loe to have an old Chevelle or Camaro or something to put together and modify like that! I also want a wrangler as my knockaround car. and at least one motorcycle! HECK YEAH. I feel like the gearhead in me is about to come out. I want a harley, a bobber from bobbertime.com, a triumph, an exile and one from OCC...okay so at least 5! Now where to put them....hmmmm....

okay most interesting thing I did this week? I talked to another old girlfriend! Yup. Shes married and has kids....like 30 of them...shes a 1st grade teacher! It was good to talk to her. I havent talked to her in 10 years..so it was kind cool going thru some of that. I meant to ask her so much more, but my hands were not working correctly. Oh well. I am glad she's doing well.

..and she does photography! She's good too! I know i can learn from her. I love to take photographs, and have about 1000 that i need to do something with. I think I'll try to make a website with all of them. Remember, I am a novice..so please dont judge too harshly....

The one thing that I kept playing oer and over in my head was this: How do people remember me? Do they see what I see? what do they remember. She kept saying that some things never change, and that is true. But some do change, and change for the better. I feel like I have...and continue to do so.

I know I screwed up sooo many things and took the easy road on a bunch of things. I caused alot of grief in my days and i regret it. Hell, I was soo naieve for being a college kid. I wish I knew then what I know now. The road i would have trod would be much different.

wow, kinda bummed now. So lets add a NEW feature: Song of the day! If anyone knows me, I loe music. And I listen to it all the time. There is always something going on in my head and it keeps me going. And sometimes one gets stuck and i play it like a thousand times in a row. Well today is no different.

today's song is "Through My Door" by the Muckrakers. Its simple, to the point and very poetic. Lots of great imagery in that song to show loss and desire...plus they are a Kentucky band! And I can kill singing this song!! YAY..go listen.

Singing....wow I miss Karaoke Sunday's at Cricketer's Arms...I'll be home soon.